Kararo Consulting

Cloud, web, data, custom software, mobile app consulting to help you navigate the complex landscape for you and your business.


Cloud presence

Cloud can be confusing and overwhelming. Features, costs, benefits, cost savings. Which is right for you?Let us partner with you to find the most cost-effective solution for your needs.

Web Development

Web presence

Every business needs a web presence. It legitimizes your company, it broadcasts your brand. How does your web site share your company's mission statement?Let us partner with you to co-create the web site that reflects your business's vision.


Data (and visualization)

Data is the new gold. How are you mining your data to make informed decisions?Let us partner with you to shape your data into understandable visualizations so you can strategize with confidence.

Custom Software

Buy or Build?

Sometimes boxed software works well. Sometimes custom software is the answer. Sometimes it is customizing those "out of the box" applications to fit your needs. How is your enterprise software helping you to be more productive?Let us partner with you to be that sounding board when comparing "buy v build" and measure the costs against the productivity gains.

Mobile Apps

Mobile presence

Like web presence, mobile presence might be even more important. More people have phones than PC or laptops. Does your web presence translate to mobile devices?Let us partner with you to extend your web presence to mobile so your business's vision can be seen clearly by all.

Let's Talk!!

You can contact us in various ways. Use whichever is most convenient for you.

Thank You

We look forward to meeting you and partnering to help you succeed.